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Top 5 Tips For Keeping Your Cloud System in Good Health

Cloud software systems are a bit like coral reefs.

Coral lives under the sea. Each individual coral builds off an existing coral exoskeleton, adding to the base structure and growing off of it, much like the continuous change occurring in the ocean of cloud applications. Each species of coral could represent a different cloud application, some which like to integrate and grow together, and others that dwell in isolated corners of the sea.

A variety of sea creatures pass through the reef each day - these are your customers and suppliers. If your reef is in a good state of health, and well looked after, it's likely that the reef will be abuzz with activity, with lots of activity flowing in and out.

There is the algae and plankton that the coral feed off - a constant supply of information fed into and stored within the cloud systems including purchases, orders, payments and other transactions.

Then there's you - the caretaker of this ecosystem. It's up to you to nurture and tend to your cloud software system, because if not looked after, it may start decaying over time, and this damage can accumulate the longer it is left unchecked.

We receive numerous enquiries where a cloud system has reached such a state of decay that it is no longer useable, doesn't contain accurate data, or a particular integration has stopped functioning, and it causes frustration and helplessness for those users.

Cloud software decay has a few different causes, including:

  • Add-ons becoming outdated for the current environment - old versions may not be supported

  • Human input error - processes may be executed incorrectly leading to data issues

  • System neglect - while enabling some automation, a system cannot complete all tasks on its own

  • Lack of training - a new employee or new company owner may not be fully trained in how to operate and troubleshoot the integrated cloud system.

To assist you with getting your cloud system thriving, here are 5 top tips we recommend that you follow, as part of any cloud system health check:

1. Look at data in close detail Similar to a marine biologist taking samples for cross-examination, take samples of your data across your various integrated systems depending on where the issue is occurring, and run comparisons on products, orders, inventory and accounting data. If you notice something that doesn't quite look right, add it to the list for investigation.

2. Locate the source of transactional issues Is there further decay hidden in the lower layers of your coral reef? It's important that issues are repaired at the root, so clean and healthy data can flow up the chain. Have you added a transaction in your accounting system, but your inventory system doesn't know about it? Ensure that data issues are repaired across all integrated systems so your data is consistent. 3. Inspect the ecosystem setup Look at what plants you've got growing in your reef and where. Are there any introduced species that shouldn't be present? Check for system configuration that may have been left out, set up incorrectly or accidentally removed, and check that cloud integrations are set up correctly for your business logic.

4. Clean up add-ons and applications that aren't required Like plastics floating in the ocean, there are many add-ons and applications in the software ecosystem that may interfere with the regular flow of your integration. We've seen cases where inventory quantities are not being synchronised between two systems, because a third-party application has taken over inventory management. Clean up your add-ons and ensure the right ones are installed. 5. Navigate through the depths It's daunting trying to navigate in waters that are not quite clear. Together as a team, let's untangle the fishing nets, give you a torch and help you get back on course. By working through the findings of a cloud system health check, you'll be able to understand how and why particular issues occurred, and will know how to minimise cloud integration issues in the future.


If it has been a while since your last system check-up, start your new period afresh with a healthy cloud system. We are more than happy to assist you with getting your cloud system health check underway. As integrated cloud software experts, we'll dive in and explore your cloud ecosystem, and report back to you with a list of findings, remediation activities and recommendations that will streamline your day-to-day operations.

Let our expert team dive in and check on the health of your integrated cloud system. Submit a request to schedule a Cloud System Health Check.

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